New Page!

I've added a new page!

woo hoo

*villagers rejoicing*

what is it?... well its Final Thoughts. We decided to change the prayer at the end of the night to a more reflective quote/saying. Its a bit of an experiment, but hopefully it will work.

I know that the reflective aspect of the balanced program can be rather tricky to cover so I'll keep adding some of the quotes that we'll be using so that you can copy the idea if you wish.

Hope you like it, let me know what you think... and if you have any that I can add to the list.


Chris Meadows aka Kiff said...

A couple that spring to mind are

Correcting bad habits cannot be done by forbidding or punishment.

If you make listening and observation your occupation you will gain much more than you can by talk.

The more responsibility the Scoutmaster (I would say Leader) gives his patrol leaders, the more they will respond.

All from Robert Baden-Powell