Previously on...


I apologise! I have been incredibly lax with the posting of scouting events... so consider this a little round up session (actually it might be rather long so bare with me!)

Well I suppose the first bit of big news is that I have been successful in my application to become an Assistant Unit Leader for Lincolnshire to the next World Scout Jamboree in Sweden (yeah baby!). The selection process involved a day at the RAF base in Wittering where the applicants were put through there paces.... interviews, presentations, team building games... and scones!!
Have since had a meeting with the unit leader team, and I think that it is going to be a good jamboree by the sounds of it (mind you I still have to work my way through the huge ring binder of information that I was given). I will post updates on here... but obviously I won't be able to publish everything straight away, somethings have got to be left as a surprise.

Second big bit of news is that Stacey has decided to leave the 9th Lincoln =(
Yes, I know, it is a sad day for everyone... but she had her reasons (which isn't my place to blab about on the internet, so I ain't talking). Hopefully she will stay in scouting and she will be happier where-ever she ends up. This, of course, means that there is a vacancy in the SL role... one which the Group Scout Leader, in a moment of insanity, has appointed some Scottish weirdo.

What do you mean "what Scottish weirdo?"

No... not Minty...

... *penny drops*....

Yup it's me!
Am taking on the challenge of running the Scout section (God help me!) I'm actually rather excited about it, am just hoping now that the parents and the sprogs are going to accept the change.

Normal sevice should return shortly